Come and meet Zuma the baby jaguar!

Terms of Sales

For your information

Article 1 – Object

These general conditions of sale ("General Conditions of Sale" or "Conditions" or "GTC") apply to all ticket sales for a visit to Parrot World, concluded with the company Omega Tropical Park, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 10,000,000 euros, registered with the RCS of Meaux under number 801 371 196, located Route de Guérard 77580 Crecy-la-Chapelle, telephone 01 64 75 34 44, fax 01 64 75 34 45, email commercial@parrotworld. fr (hereinafter the "Seller").


The Seller offers these services for sale to individual customers (hereinafter the “Customer”) on the website www.parrotworld.fr (hereinafter the “Site”) as well as at its Route de Guérard point of sale, 77580 Crécy la Chapelle, France.


Article 2 - Customer


The Customer declares to have the legal capacity allowing him to engage under these Conditions.


Any sale with the Seller implies acceptance by the Customer of these GTC.


Article 3 - Services


The Seller offers stays at Parrot World, either by purchasing:


- individual and nominative tickets for 1 undetermined day, usable during the 365 days following their date of purchase (“Undated ticket”);

- individual and nominative tickets for 1 specific day, (immersive experiences such as feed penguins, keeper for a day or any other activity bookable at a given date and time usable only on the day indicated (“Dated ticket”);

- a nominative annual subscription allowing access during the 365 days following (i) either the date of purchase, (ii) or the opening date of Parrot World, the departure date chosen being the later of the two ( " Subscription ").


The Seller reserves the right to modify at any time its offer of services for any sale to be made.


The Seller endeavors to withdraw offers concerning services that have become unavailable. However, in the event that the Customer has made a purchase for which the service has become unavailable, the Seller will inform the Customer as soon as possible by email or telephone, and will update the amount of the purchase, less the amount of service unavailable.


Article 4 - Rates


1. The sale prices of tickets and subscriptions are indicated on the seller's website www.parrotworld.fr as well as at the ticket office at the entrance to the park, Route de Guérard, 77580 Crécy la Chapelle, France.


The prices displayed are in Euros and include all taxes (TTC).

The applicable selling price is that indicated on the day the order is placed.


2. The normal rate applied corresponds to the entry of a visitor aged 12 and over.


In the event of the purchase of a ticket for the entry of a visitor under the age of 12 or a visitor with a disability, the price will be exceptionally and automatically reduced. In such a case, when entering Parrot World, the visitor must therefore bring their reduced-rate ticket and proof of age by presenting a valid identity document, or proof disability, if applicable. In the event of non-presentation of the proof, the visitor will be charged the difference between the purchase price of the ticket and the price of the normal adult ticket.


Children under three (3) years of age enjoy free admission, but must still be the subject of a ticket reservation.


3. The Customer can enter a promotional code, made available to him by the Seller, when finalizing the order. Taking this price deduction into account will result in the calculation of the new purchase amount.


Article 5 – Online purchase


In the event of a purchase on the website www.parrotworld.fr, the Customer


1. Select the desired service(s), specify the desired quantity, and place it/them in the shopping cart, which can be consulted by clicking on the corresponding icon at the top right of the Site.


2. Finalizes his order by creating a customer account or by connecting to his already existing customer account using his identifiers and password already registered in the Seller's database and ensuring the validity of his contact details ( first name, last name, date of birth, postal address, email address, telephone number).


Once this information has been completed, a summary of the order, showing the services selected, their quantity, the total price including tax, as well as the possibility of entering a promotional code, will be displayed on the visitor's screen.


After reviewing these elements, the visitor can validate the order by clicking on the "Next" button and proceed to payment by credit card.


The Customer will receive an order confirmation email to the email address he has provided, which then entails the formation of the sales contract.


This email will include the summary of the order as well as the electronic entry ticket(s) to Parrot World, which may be presented for a visit to Parrot World.


This email will also include proof of payment made.


The formation of the sales contract supposes the knowledge by the Customer of these Conditions of Sale, and entails the irrevocable and unreserved acceptance of the Conditions by the Customer.


The Customer may consult his order on the Site at any time, and find the electronic ticket(s) for Dated Tickets or Undated Tickets there.


5.1 Subscription Card

The confirmation email sent to the Customer will include proof of purchase, which must be presented at the counter during the first visit to Parrot World, for delivery of the subscription card to be presented for future entries. The Customer must present an identity document.


The loss or theft of the Subscription card must be indicated by the Customer to the Seller as soon as possible. The issuance of a new card will be charged five (5) Euros to the Customer.


5.2 Right of withdrawal

Pursuant to Article L221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the Customer does not have a right of withdrawal.


Article 6 – Purchase at the counter


The purchase at the counter allows the immediate issue of an Undated Ticket or a Dated Ticket.


The purchase at the counter also allows the immediate issuance of a Subscription card in the event of a Subscription purchase, on presentation of an identity document for issuing the card. The loss or theft of the Subscription card must be indicated by the Customer to the Seller as soon as possible. The issue of a new card will be charged 5 Euros to the Customer.


The issue of the ticket or the Subscription card entails the conclusion of the sales contract, which presupposes the Customer's knowledge of these Conditions of Sale, and entails the irrevocable and unreserved acceptance of the Conditions by the Customer.


Article 7 - Methods of payment


All payment must be made in full at the time of purchase.


The Customer has the option of paying the Seller by bank card (Visa Electron, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, e-Carte Bleue, CB) in the event of an online purchase, as well as by holiday vouchers (ANCV) or cash in the event of purchase at the counter.


In the event of payment by credit card, the Seller is not responsible for any costs on credit card transactions caused by the variation in the exchange rate or for other reasons.


The person who books for another is jointly and severally liable for payment of the full price.


Article 8 – Presentation at Parrot World


Customers who have purchased a service online must go to Parrot World reception with their electronic ticket on their smartphone, or printed on an A4 sheet in good condition, as well as an identity document in the case of a Subscription or a reduced fare ticket. In the event of a reduced rate ticket for a visitor with a disability, proof of the situation will be requested.


The presentation of a ticket allows a single entry to Parrot World and any exit is final.


Entry to Parrot World is no longer possible during the 90 minutes before the park closes.


The Customer acknowledges that Parrot World sets different opening hours depending on the time of year - which can be consulted on the Seller's website - and acknowledges that there will be no price reduction if his visit takes place during periods with reduced opening hours.


Minors must be accompanied by an adult when entering Parrot World.


8.1 Visitor responsibility

Parrot World has adopted internal rules governing the stay of each visitor. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the expulsion of the visitor from Parrot World; in such a case, the visitor cannot claim any compensation or reimbursement.


In the event that the attitude of the visitor is likely to cause harm, danger or trouble vis-à-vis other visitors, staff or subcontractors of the Seller, it is possible that the Seller will oust the visitor. In such a case, the visitor can not claim any compensation or reimbursement and the Seller reserves the right to claim reimbursement from the visitor for the costs incurred by the breach or the behavior of the visitor.


Article 9 – Cancellation, modification, refund


9.1 At the Customer's initiative

Except in the case of the right of withdrawal provided for in Article 5.2, the Customer may neither cancel nor modify his order.


The visitor no longer wishing to make his visit can therefore not claim any reimbursement from the Seller.


The fact that the Customer has not used his Subscription does not allow him to claim any compensation from the Seller.


9.2 At the Seller's initiative

The Seller may make minor changes to the services provided for in the contract up to the start date of the service, and shall inform the Customer as soon as possible, who may not claim reimbursement, compensation or modification of the contract.


If the Seller finds itself forced to make significant changes to one or more main characteristics of the service, of which it informs the Customer as soon as possible, the Customer may request a cancellation within the time limit imposed in this respect by the Seller.


The Seller who cancels the Customer's reservation will refund the amount paid by the Customer at the time of the order.


Article 10 - Force majeure


The Seller will in no way be liable for non-performance of the contract which would be due to a case of force majeure as defined in article 1218 of the Civil Code.


Consequently, the Customer cannot claim any compensation.


Article 11 – Administrative closure


In the event of administrative closure of its establishment at the time of the reservation date, the Seller will inform the Customer as soon as possible.


The Seller and the Customer must make their best efforts to modify the date of the visit.


The Customer may not claim any discount by requesting the benefit of this clause, due to the postponement of his visit following the administrative closure of the Seller's establishment.


Article 12 - Resale and transfer


The Customer is not authorized to resell or offer the services sold to him by the Seller, in a batch containing other services or within the framework of a promotional operation or lottery without having first obtained the express agreement of the Seller.


The Customer may transfer an Undated Ticket, a Dated Ticket to a third party, subject to informing the Seller.


The temporary or permanent transfer of a Subscription by the Customer to a third party is impossible.


Article 13 – Intellectual property


The conclusion of the contract does not entail the acquisition by the Customer of any right of ownership or use of the names, signs, emblems, logos, brands belonging to the Seller.


Article 14 - Personal data


1. The Customer communicates personal data (first name, last name, address, email, telephone, date of birth) when concluding the contract.


2. The data will be processed for the purpose of correctly providing the service to the Customer. This processing is necessary for the performance of the contract.


In this case, the data is kept by the Seller for the longest period among (i) the period necessary for the completion of the service envisaged, (ii) the retention period provided for by law or (iii) the period expiration of the limitation period concerning a dispute arising from the sales contract.


3. Also, the Customer's data will be processed for commercial prospecting purposes. The processing then responds to the legitimate interests of development and customer loyalty, pursued by the Seller.


In this case, the data is kept for three (3) years from the collection of the Data. This period is renewed in the event of an interaction.


4. The Customer whose Data has been collected has the right to define directives - which can be modified or revoked at any time - relating to the storage, erasure and communication of his Data after his death:


- either, concerning all the Data that has been collected concerning it, not only by the Seller, through general directives registered with a digital trusted third party certified by the National Commission for Computing and Liberties;

- or, concerning the Data collected by the Seller, through special instructions addressed to the Seller and recorded by the latter.


5. When the Customer who communicates his Data is under the age of 16, the Seller systematically ensures that his legal representative has authorized this Data processing. In the event that the Data Controller discovers that the authorization of the legal representative is not valid, he will make his best efforts to delete the said Data.



6. The Customer who has communicated his Data may question the Seller about the processing of his Data, and more specifically:


- confirmation that the Data is or is not being processed;

- the purposes of the Data processing;

- the retention period of the Data.


From two requests in this direction, requiring a response by post, the postage costs will be charged to the person requesting information.


7. The Customer whose Data has been collected may ask the Seller to rectify this Data, when it is inaccurate or incomplete.


8. The Customer whose Data has been collected may request that the Seller erase it.


9. The Customer whose Data has been collected may ask the Seller to limit the processing of the Data if the Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the processing announced in paragraphs 2 and 3 but can still be useful for a finding, a exercise or defense of legal claims.


The Customer whose Data has been collected who fears an inaccuracy in the Data may request the limitation of the processing of his Data for the time of verification by the Seller.


In the event of limitation of the processing of Data, the Seller will inform the applicant of the lifting of the limitation.


10. The Customer whose Data has been collected may ask the Seller to communicate this Data to another data controller, if this is technically possible. The person can also carry out this communication themselves, which the Seller will not oppose.


11. The Customer whose Data has been collected may object, at any time, to the processing of his Data for prospecting purposes with the Seller. This opposition may be made by means of a link provided for this purpose within correspondence for prospecting purposes.


12. Requests relating to paragraphs 6 to 10 must be sent by the Customer whose Data has been collected to info@parrotworld.fr with a copy of his identity document.


The right of opposition to commercial prospecting indicated in paragraph 11 may be carried out directly by means of a link provided for this purpose within prospecting correspondence.


13. The Customer whose Data has been collected may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority - in France, the CNIL - of the State in which his habitual residence is located, his place of work or the place where the violation would have been committed, if it considers that the processing of its Data does not comply with the regulations applicable to the protection of Data (the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 n°78-17 as amended, and the General Regulations on the Data Protection of the European Parliament and of the Council n°2016


Article 15 - Complaints, mediation


In the event of a dispute between the Customer and the Seller, any complaint by the Customer must be brought to the attention of the Seller in writing. Together, the Seller and the Customer will endeavor to find an amicable solution.


In the absence of an amicable agreement, and if the Customer is a natural person, he has the possibility of seizing the consumer mediator free of charge to which the professional belongs, namely the Association of European Mediators (AME CONSO), within a period of one year from the written complaint addressed to the professional.


Referral to the consumer ombudsman must be made:


- either by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website: www.mediationconso-ame.com

- either by mail addressed to AME CONSO, 11 Place Dauphine – 75001 PARIS France


Article 16 – Miscellaneous


The fact that the Seller does not assert a right under the contract does not imply a waiver of claiming the application of other rights or of the same right later.


If any provision of these Conditions should be considered illegal, invalid or unenforceable, this provision will be deemed canceled without this affecting the validity and applicability of the other provisions of these conditions.


The Customer has the possibility of registering on the list of opposition to canvassing accessible on the website www.bloctel.gouv.fr in order to no longer be canvassed by telephone by a professional with whom he has no current contractual relationship. .


Article 17 - Applicability


The Seller reserves the right to modify these Conditions at any time.


The applicable Conditions are those in force on the day of the formation of the sales contract.


Article 18 - Applicable law, competent jurisdiction


These Terms and the sales contract are subject to French law.


In the event of a dispute arising from the sales contract, the French courts have jurisdiction.